Board meeting minutes July 10, 2017

In attendance:  Lee Morrison, David Fish, Wayne Kessler, Kim Zurflieh, Gary Marr, Don Fry, Ramon Marin, Jeanne Lowe, Carol Deglmann

Meeting started at 7:30 p.m.

Discussion of obtaining tax records for the PBCA from the IRS.  There is still some problems with the government not knowing the what the official address of the Pine Brook Civic Association is nor the current tax status of the organization.

Discussion of lighting on the new Orrs Bridge.  The Township is reaching out to the PBCA and local residents for their input on whether lights should be included for the walkway on the new bridge.  Discussion of possible types of lighting which would minimize the impact on the neighbors living near the bridge and wildlife living on the creek.  Too much light could affect people and birds which could be minimized by selecting different types of lighting which would still provide adequate lighting for pedestrians on the bridge, but not impact people or wildlife.    Certain types of lights could also attract bugs which could be a problem for drivers and maintenance.  The board would be interested in having the Township utilize low impact lighting and a letter will be sent.

The treasurer gave a report on current expenses.  Everything is tracking well, but we are still below expected membership levels. 

Discussion of sending out another letter or postcard to residents who have not yet paid their dues. 

Discussion of creating an updated neighborhood directory.  The process has been started and anybody who is willing to help create the directory please contact the board. 

Discussion of a comment by a resident concerned about amount of fireworks over the Fourth of July weekend and the impact on pets.  Perhaps a notice could go out asking people to either not shoot off fireworks or perhaps limit to only one day. 

Discussion of cars speeding through the neighborhood.  Perhaps the Hampden Township police could position a car in the neighborhood for a few days to remind people to follow the law….especially given the number of children playing in the neighborhood. 


Meeting ended 8:08 p.m.


Next meeting on August 14, 2017, at 7pm at 420 Lamp Post Ln.



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